Life in Belgium with Our Furry Family
Hi, I live in Belgium together with my husband and our two German Shorthair Pointers, a Nebelung (cat), and a European Shorthair (also a cat). In Belgium, we often experience what we call “bad weather” – a lot of rain day after day. But sometimes, we get a little snow!
Making the Most of Snowy Days
When it does snow, I do everything to ensure we have a good time together in the snow with my loved ones. However, due to my shorthair dogs, I must be aware of the cold. When they are active, they don’t have many problems with the cold, but the moment they stand still, the cold starts climbing up their paws, and they begin to shiver.

Warm and cozy
Expedition Parka dog winter coat is an excellent choice for every adventure in cold weather for all dogs. The Expedition Parka is designed to allow for extended range of motion even in the toughest games.
Understanding the Needs of Shorthair Dogs
German Shorthair Pointer, as the dog breed name suggests, has a short coat and only one layer of fur, unlike many dogs that have two. How easily they feel cold also depends on the individual dog. I think mine are a bit spoiled; they always lie in front of our fireplace and love the heat.
Special Care for Spot’s Back Problems
Additionally, Spot has back problems, so we must keep a close eye on his lower back muscles. So Spot can’t handle much cold; otherwise, he has trouble moving. There’s nothing better than the Hurtta Expedition Parka dog winter coat, which really well covers the dog and keeps his back warm!

Pick up the style
Hurtta Adventurers German Shorthaired Pointers Spot and ZaYuna are wearing the Hurtta Expedition Parka dog winter coats in size 55.