Four-Legged Companions
Before living in Sweden we were living in our campervan travelling around Europe and before then we lived in Belgium. A less adventurous life, for us and the dogs.
After travelling full-time together they got used to being with us 24/7 so after settling down again in Sweden they didn´t like being alone and we actually didn´t want to go out without them anymore. So we took them everywhere we went.
Peace of mind
We´re family, so where we go they go. But taking your dog in the car with you should be a safe experience for everyone and it wasn´t until our adventure with Hurtta that we learned about the importance about car safety and that they have the perfect solution for it. I´ve never heard about a special designed harness for dogs to wear in the car.

Who’s ready for a road trip?
A vital safety accessory for all dog parents, the Hurtta Travel Harness ECO has been through official crash tests to ensure that it meets regulatory and our personal high standards. Dog car harness is made of very strong and durable materials and its design structure is safe for your dog.
Safety and Snugg
We prefer our dogs in the back seat instead of being all the way back in the trunk, but while driving this is less safe. So it´s nice that thanks to wearing this harness they can be close to us in the car and still be safe. The harness is designed in such a way that you can attach it to the seatbelt. And if you´re worried about mobility, your dog can still move and choose if he/she wants to sit our lay down. So from now on, wether it´s a small or big trip, their Hurtta Travel Harness is joining!

Noémie's dogs are wearing the size 10-20kg of Hurtta Travel Harness.
Dress, Fit & Go
The dog car harness Hurtta Travel Harness ECO features a durable, easy-to-use, Hurtta-designed seat belt attachment loop that allows dogs to safely sit, stand or lie down while in transit. Dog car harness will not restrict the dog's movement when it changes position. Dressing the dog travel harness is easy. It’s similar to the way you put on a dog Y-harness.